Hi! Welcome to my homepage.
I am currently senior staff research scientist at Google DeepMind.
I work on LLM and AI research.
More info about me here.
Returning to Google DeepMind
Returning to Google and recounting my experiences as a startup co-founder.
What happened to BERT & T5? On Transformer Encoders, PrefixLM and Denoising Objectives
A Blogpost series about Model Architectures Part 1: What happened to BERT and T5? Thoughts on Transformer Encoders, PrefixLM and Denoising objectives
Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup
Chronicles of training strong LLMs from scratch in the wild
2022 in Review: Top language AI research papers + interesting papers to read
Here are some of the best language AI / NLP papers of 2022!
On Emergence, Scaling and Inductive Bias
Some thoughts on emergent abilities and scaling language models.